July 5-7th, 2024 | Zhengzhou, China | CAIBDA 2023
2024 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Algorithms (CAIBDA 2024) has been held successfully on July 5-7th, 2024.
This year, CAIBDA 2024 organizing committee adopted hybrid conference style (onsite + online presentation) , more than 300 authors and experts participation. Thanks for all your support. Looking forward to meeting you next time.
Opening Address
Prof. Jianhui Chen, Dean of School of Computer Science, Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics | Prof. Zhaoyu Liu, vice President of Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics |
Prof. Chong-Yung Chi, National Tsing Hua University, China Title: Convex Optimization Aided Artificial Intelligence: Unsupervised HSI Denoising and Super-Resolution | Keynote Speaker Certificate Awarded |
Prof. Xiuxian Li, Tongji University, China Title: Online Optimization under Randomly Corrupted Attacks | Keynote Speaker Certificate Awarded |
Prof. Xi Wu, Southeast University, China Title: Data-driven Sub-synchronous Oscillation Source Localization and Suppression Techniques for Wind-integrated Power Systems | Keynote Speaker Certificate Awarded |
Assoc. Prof. Xiaofang Xia, Xidian University, China Title: Big Data Analytics in Smart Grids --- Taking Electricity Theft Detection as an Example | Keynote Speaker Certificate Awarded |
Prof. Hongzhi Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Title: AI-driven Big Data Management | Prof. Jiangzhou Wang, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (FREng), IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, University of Kent, UK Title: mmWave/THz Integrated Communications and Sensing |
On the afternoon of July 6th, 17 people including Qiqiang Huang from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tengfei Shao from Waseda University and Faping Zhang from Beijing Institute of Technology gave oral presentations, and displayed the academic achievements of more than 25 scholars in the form of posters.
This meeting selected 5 excellent paper awards and 5 excellent oral presentation awards, and the scholars on the stage accepted the awards and took photos.
Conference Proceedings